Enabling financial sustainability, harmonising workforce agendas and elevating care standards

As providers continue to tackle elective backlogs, manage surging demand and navigate staff shortages amid financial constraints, identifying practical solutions that derive tangible benefits is imperative for success. The HSJ Provider Summit offers a safe and collaborative space to discuss, debate, and surface innovative approaches to these pressing issues affecting trust leaders and Board executives.

Join over 100 Provider leaders, board executives, and senior stakeholders from NHSE, the CQC and other ALBs to hear diverse perspectives, challenge thinking, and tap into valuable experiences and knowledge, at this exclusive event held under the Chatham House Rule.

Join us at the HSJ Provider Summit where you can connect with your peers to establish how you can optimize performance outcomes in your Trust. Register your interest below to be informed of news and updates. 



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Delivered to you through multiple formats - inspiring plenary sessions, thought-provoking panel discussions, intimate and interactive roundtable discussion groups; you will experience an engaging atmosphere with "Push to Talk" microphones enabling you to actively participate in the conversation during the sessions as well as having many opportunities for discussion and networking with peers during coffee breaks, lunch, drinks, and dinner.

This year’s Summit focused on themes including:

  • Balancing financial sustainability with quality of care 
  • Navigating system accountability and provider collaborative excellence
  • Streamline patient pathways to revitalise elective recovery
  • Optimising workforce performance and retention
  • Transforming UEC pathways to promote efficiency and reduced A&E waits
  • Building a continuous improvement culture - Balancing service stability with value-adding transformation
  • Safeguarding equity and access in healthcare delivery


To provide insight and opinion on the above areas, we had an expert speaker collective who bring their vast experience, skills and knowledge to the sessions:


Each HSJ Summit hosts a 3-course networking dinner in the evening of Day 1, with pre-dinner drinks providing a distinctive opportunity for attendees to convene in a relaxed atmosphere. Following dinner, guests enjoy an inspirational and thought-provoking talk by a celebrity speaker which helps stimulates meaningful conversations among attendees.

These evenings are an integral part of the Summit experience, providing a unique way to connect and share insights in an informal setting, and forge connections that can lead to new collaborations and opportunities.  

Notable past speakers have included personalities such as Kevin Keegan, Steve Davis, Helena Langdon, Jon Culshaw, Simon Calder, Deborah Frances-White, Ann Daniels, Fergal Sharkey and Phil Hammond

keep updated for 2025

What our delegates say

" Relaxed and enjoyable couple of days with fantastic colleagues, good speakers and expert facilitation "
" An excellent opportunity to share and interact with NHS transformational leaders and suppliers of service "
" An informative, on topic opportunity to network and hear from well picked speakers under Chatham house rules "
" An informative event, very well hosted with effective facilitation and challenge to elicit honest and frank responses from NHS senior leaders "

To find out more

Partnership opportunities:  Contact the Sponsorship team
Attendee Booking enquiries: Lauren Fraser, Client Relationship Manager