By attending HSJ Provider Summit, you will:
Join your peers for an intimate discussion about the issues that really matter to you. The topics on the agenda are identified through research with Chief Executives and senior stakeholders across the country, pinpointing the most important priorities and challenges being faced across Trusts today.
Get the forward view from NHSE, CQC and other key stakeholdersso that you can be prepared for what lies ahead. This is an opportunity for open and honest conversation and to also influence thinking with those at the centre. HSJ will ask the difficult questions and ensure Provider voices are heard.
Network with your peers and hear how they’re tackling the same challenges as you. If it’s a challenge for you, it’s a challenge for others too. This event is purposefully kept small in numbers to allow for meaningful networking and discussion. It’s an opportunity to both build new contacts and meet again with old colleagues.
Hear a range of perspectives – those that you’ll agree with and some that will challenge your thinking. Each session is designed to provoke discussion, showcase the best in innovation and inspire new ideas.
Partner content is solutions-driven and relevant to the high-level policy discussion – no sales pitches or lengthy slideshows!
Your place at the includes: