3 – 4 April 2025 | Edgbaston Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Birmingham




Registration & Refreshments


Chair’s Opening Remarks


Opening Keynote

 Navigating the future: Overview of the NHS 10-Year Health Plan and what this means for Trusts

  • Highlighting the core themes and strategic priorities of the 10-year health plan
  • Health of the nation: Discussing the deteriorating national health trends that impact service demand
  • Setting clear expectations to assist the successful delivery of change


Opening Panel

 Driving productivity and redefining the role of hospitals: Practical strategies for maximizing efficiency and patient outcomes

In partnership with Teletracking

  • Unpacking productivity – how can we start progressing the conversation and start to shy away from generalization?
  • Exploring new models that start to rebalance resources, shifting the focus on primary and community care
  • Discussing the mismatch behind productivity versus increased staff numbers – are there opportunities that we could capitalize on to improve performance and patient outcomes?
  • Addressing hospital bottlenecks through improved bed flow and patient discharge processes
  • Focusing on case studies that leverage financial and operational strategies to do more with less, particularly around innovative ways to drive quality while managing costs


Panel Discussion

Rebalancing NHS funding and investment to achieve financial sustainability

In partnership with Siemens 

  • Discussing the current state of resource availability and the opportunities available to shift to robust primary care and community services
  • Exploring innovative approaches to create a comprehensive capital investment strategy that targets urgent infrastructure upgrades, modernizes technology, and addresses maintenance backlogs effectively
  • Delving into sustainable, long-term funding allocations that support the expansion of primary care and community services, steering away from the current reactive model
  • Sharing best practices and success stories from Trusts that have successfully reallocated budgets to enhance community services, highlighting measurable impacts on patient care and financial performance


Panel Discussion 

Progressing elective care backlogs: Equitable and efficient strategies for reduced wait times and improved patient experience

In partnership with 18 Week Support

  • Implementing targeted interventions to prioritise long-wait patients for elective procedures, improving patient outcomes and reducing risks associated with delayed care
  • Optimizing scheduling and staffing to perform more elective procedures without overwhelming staff
  • Expanding community-based care: Use community programs for pre- and post-operative care to free up hospital space
  • Ensuring equitable access to elective care by focusing on reducing disparities across different regions and patient demographics
  • Novel approaches that leverage data analytics to manage waiting lists and resources more effectively


Morning Refreshments & Networking


Interactive Discussion Groups: 

Join these intimate and focused small-group discussions to share experiences with senior colleagues and get your pressing questions answered. Bringing together 8-10 participants, ensure you sign up early to secure your place at your preferred table.

Optimizing workforce capacity and capability at a trust and system level

In partnership with NHS Professionals


Elective care recovery: a discussion highlighting best practice and case studies to reduce the backlog with tangible solution to implement in your Trust

In partnership with 18 Week Support

Improving productivity with equity of access


Improving Productivity and Patient Flow: Replacing manual processes with Electronic Bed & Capacity Management

Optimising financial and operational efficiencies


Cementing the importance of continuous improvement

In partnership with GS1 UK


Networking Lunch


Stream A:

Stream B:  



Tackling the mental health crisis: Innovative solutions to improve access, care and community collaboration

  • Exploring strategies to boost workforce capacity to reduce growing waiting times and improve care, especially for children and young people
  • Expanding the use of digital tools to improve access to mental health services, reducing delays and increasing efficiency
  • Tangible examples of shifting care to communities: Invest in community-based mental health services to ease hospital pressure and provide earlier interventions
  • Prioritizing specialized programs for children and young people to address rising demand and prevent long-term mental health issues


Prioritizing patient safety in a high-pressure NHS environment: Strategic imperatives for Trust leadership

  • Ensuring that patient safety is a core focus of the 10-year plan, balancing it with other priorities and supporting clinical leadership, even during high-pressure situations
  • Exploring the role of patients in influencing Trust performance, and how actively engaging patient feedback can lead to better care and outcomes
  • Breaking down silos in staff training and operations to enhance collaboration and improve the quality of patient care
  • Highlighting the need for improved metrics to track patient safety outcomes and discuss how Trusts can use patient feedback and experiences to refine safety protocols
  • Inspecting case studies where finance and productivity have improved as a result of prioritizing patient safety



Unlocking the potential of Provider Collaboratives: Driving integration and efficiency in the NHS

  • Beyond resource consolidation: Exploring how NHS leaders can ensure provider collaboratives deliver tangible benefits for patient care and operational efficiency
  • Addressing the importance of governance structures that support strategic alignment across providers, while maintaining clear accountability for performance and patient outcomes
  • Identifying key challenges in moving from institutional collaboration to true clinical integration, ensuring that services are designed around patient needs rather than organizational structures
  • How can provider collaboratives work with Integrated Care Boards to tackle broader population health challenges and contribute to sustainable, preventative care models?


Prioritizing health inequalities in a resource-constrained NHS: Strategic solutions for long-term impact

  • Exploring how senior leaders can ensure that tackling health inequalities is embedded into the 10-year health plan, aligning it with other core NHS priorities and targets
  • Identifying strategies for using existing resources more effectively to address inequalities, ensuring that financial constraints do not derail efforts to support the most vulnerable populations
  • Discussing the role of data in identifying and targeting health inequalities, and how NHS leaders can use insights to allocate resources efficiently and equitably across regions and communities.
  • Examining how NHS Trusts can collaborate with local partners, public health agencies, and communities to reduce disparities and improve population health outcomes


Afternoon Refreshments & Networking


Panel Discussion  

Rebuilding a proud and effective NHS workforce in 10 years: Strategies for sustainable leadership and talent retention

In partnership with NHS Professionals

  • Assessing the impact of post-pandemic stress on staff wellbeing and strategies to foster a culture of resilience, engagement, and job satisfaction
  • Discussing effective approaches to expand recruitment pipelines, including leveraging international talent and developing tailored training programs to match new care models
  • Highlighting case studies that demonstrate how strong leadership development programs can enhance retention, foster a supportive work environment and effectively plan for succession
  • Examine the role of flexible working arrangements in attracting and retaining key personnel, including best practices and success stories from various Trusts


Panel Discussion 

Revitalizing urgent and emergency care: Strategic approaches to improve flow and reduce wait times

In partnership with RLDatix 

  • Understanding the root causes of delays, including inadequate community support and delayed hospital discharges
  • Streamlining the triage process and reducing unnecessary A&E visits by improving primary care access
  • Establishing urgent care hubs and increasing the capacity of community-based alternatives to A&E
  • Exploring the application of real-time data and AI to predict patient surges, enabling faster triage and better emergency care



Quick-fire session with 10 chief executives 


Chair’s Closing Remarks


Networking Drinks Reception & Dinner



Chair’s Opening Remarks


Panel Discussion 

The power of data – The crucial link between technology and safer patient care (Title TBC)

In partnership with GS1 UK


Panel Discussion 

Redefining care and the left shift: Understanding what needs to be done to realize the necessary shift from acute to primary and community care 

  • Instead of or on top off: Exploring the challenge of redistributing NHS funding from hospital-based care to primary and community services – how can we ensure both areas are adequately supported?
  • Discussing collaborative models that innovate seamless patient pathways, reducing reliance on hospitals by improving community-based care
  • Focusing on strategies to shift the focus towards prevention, early diagnosis, and long-term management in community settings
  • Workforce capacity: Addressing retraining and redeployment from hospitals to community care, ensuring the workforce is equipped to handle the growing demand for localized health services


Brunch & Coffee


Panel Discussion 

Empowerment of leaders and reinforcing the culture of continuous improvement: NHS Impact and driving the QI agenda 

  • Focusing on developing key leadership skills that support long-term quality improvements across healthcare and to see through the 10 year health plan
  • Exploring ways to make continuous improvement a core part of NHS culture, ensuring staff are aligned with leadership goals
  • Discussing how senior leaders can manage complex challenges while keeping patient care and quality improvement as top priorities
  • Examining how strong leadership can effectively implement the QI agenda to improve patient outcomes and boost workforce satisfaction


Closing Keynote 

Enhancing NHS leadership: Key takeaways from the CQC review 

  • Focusing on reducing inspection delays and addressing the backlog in provider assessments to ensure care standards are met on time
  • Advocating for more healthcare-specific knowledge within inspection teams to restore trust and credibility in the CQC's assessments
  • Supporting the adoption of new care models and efficient resource use, ensuring the CQC framework promotes innovation and better patient outcomes
  • Pushing for greater transparency in how CQC ratings are calculated, with updated and clear criteria to help NHS providers improve their services
  • Discussing how the CQC can better align its role with the NHS 10-year plan, supporting productivity, quality of care, and improved patient outcomes


Chair’s Closing Remarks